Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some more long exposure

I've really been working on trying to get my long exposure right so here are some more from a few days ago.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Long exposure

It's nice to finally be able to use some of my randomly purchased gear! As of now I'm getting some good use out of my ND filter. Here are some more long exposure shots along with a few bridge shots from tonight.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Planning and time management

2 things I learned tonight..1.) planning out, or having a goal for a photo walk is really useful and 2.) time management is needed in photography..or you'll miss the sunset!

 Tonight I headed out to Quarry Hill in hopes of snagging a good sunset shot. I got there around 645 and boy was it soggy out! The first thing I noticed was how high the water was and how quick it was moving. I remember back when Joel and I first went to Quarry Hill last fall that we stumbled upon a spot with some rapids that would do for a long exposure shot so I headed that way. After a few minutes of set up, lens change, and filter prep I was ready to roll. After a few test shots I got a nice shot that I was happy with.

Yet, then my poor time management came in and I missed my sunset shot! In all reality it was worth it to get my first water long exposure, but if only I could have gotten them both! I also ran into a person from the Rochesterian group on flickr and I need to set up a legit photo walk around Rochester! Goal of this week: plan a photo walk/s for the flickr group.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another rainy day!

So the new camera bag came...finally! You can check it out here.

It's been raining for the past few days now which is not conducive to good photo opportunities for me, however, I got a solid fog shot tonight.
It was a 4 second exposure just to cut through enough fog to get some light! I am in the process of setting up a little photo walk on Sunday with some people from the Rochester group on flickr so hopefully i'll have some good stuff to update after that...pending weather of course.


Monday, March 8, 2010

New camera bag

So....I out grew my original Lowepro Flipside 300....switched to the Lowepro Singshot 300AW....and now hopefully have the end all to my bag issues in the mail...the Lowepro Flipside 400 AW!

Lowepro Flipside 400 AW

It's a pretty sweet bag that has everything I could want. It'll have room for all of my gear, a rain fly for when the weather turns bad, a tripod/monopod holder, and the only access point to my gear will be on my back (so no one can steal my stuff!) I'm excited to say the least! Maybe i'll throw a picture up once a.) it comes and b.) I figure out how I want to organize everything in there!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Back to basketball

Tonight and tomorrow night i'll be heading out to shoot some pictures at local basketball games. I think i've come along ways since my first time shooting sports and am anxious to see how these nexts two nights go. Prior to now my goal would be to click, click, click, click and pray...hoping for a few decent shots. I now feel confident enough in my abilities that I don't need to snap 1000 pictures in 1 game to get 50 good shots! Now I could get those 50 good shot's out of 150/200 shots?...I think i'll snap 400-500 though...just in case!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So I just went over the 1000 unique view mark last night...and am actually at 1125 last time I checked a few minutes ago. Although really not that important nor cool to most, to me it is. It just means that 1000 plus different people have looked at my pictures so woohoo for that! Keep it up! I'll try to start posting here more regularly now that I know more people look at my pictures than I once thought.


Shot's from the past few days:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lots to do...

So after taking ~15gigs...or 1500-2000 pictures the past 3/4 days I have a bunch of editing to do! I need to stitch some panoramic shots I took on campus, try and find out where to send the band pictures I took, and I need to edit and upload the Carson/Riley pictures I took for JKG on Sunday...lot's to do...oh and create more little planets :) Before that though...I need to burn ALL of my images onto DVD's! I had a good ol scare last night after my hard drive with all of my pictures on it went corrupt...or so it said! Yet, after 2 hours of recovery all is good and no pictures were lost! The good thing was that I had all of my shots from this weekend still on my 2 8gig memory cards so nothing would have been lost...but all the other thousands I have...ugh!

Lots to do...
